Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Midnight Runs For Make Up & Magazines

I know, it's terrible, but I have a magazine habit. You can generally judge how down in the dumps I am by the volume of my magazine purchases-the more magazines, the more melancholy or discouraged I'm feeling. Last night I got...four (!), along with some El Cheapo Wet'N'Wild brand makeup pick-me-ups as well. I nabbed a fantastic shade of deep, rich, aubergine lipstick, a safer but equally satisfying full red tube, a cornflower blue eyeliner, a clear shine for top-coating nails, and a ridiculously screaming bright bottle of neon pink nail polish. Sometimes, you just need to indulge yourself, even if it means getting Little Debbie Fudge Cakes and the aforementioned items. I've been consistently going through a lot of pretty tough stuff lately, some of it medical, and like an ass, yesterday afternoon I was speaking with a friend of mine who sadly lost his brother right before Christmas and dropped the phone. Well, upon leaning down to pick up said phone, I stabbed myself in the eye with a fiendishly frozen and very unforgiving winter branch. Yes, I know,  
"a poke in the eye with a sharp stick"...
Me being me, nothing is ever, ever simple, so my hematological disease (it's complicated, rare, and very strange, which would be fantastic adjectives when applied to say, fashion, art, or music, but in this case it just plain stinks!) seems to be exacerbating the issue and I am about to call the UNC Ophthalmology Dept. to find out if I need to come into the ER. I have a sneaking suspicion the answer will be yes, considering I'm in pain, have terribly blurred vision, and a serious sensitivity to bright light, all of which has seemed to get worse since last night. :( Meh. I -REALLY- don't want to start my day this way, nor add a new ailment to my list of issues. I seem to have trouble shaking things once gotten. Ugh, ugh, double ugh! I'll let you guys know how it goes, but I may not be allowed to stare at my laptop's screen for a couple of days so bear with me. Here are some silly photos from the journey into the cold night for my cheering provisions.

(wearing- jeffrey campbell xenon platforms, vintage silk diana frankard trousers, zara basic camisole, vintage studded belt from ebay, jean-paul gaultier for target leather jacket, betsey johnson bag, anthropolgie sea shell earrings)

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